Take a Stand

November 23rd, 2006


I was going to write one of those cheesy here’s what I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving, but geekify it a bit and write about what techy things I’m thankful for. But I’m not going to.

Instead, I think I’ll be thankful for free speech, with a little web 2.0 goodness mixed in. I’m talking about Standpoint, a website that allows you express your beliefs in a number of different ways.

You can state whether or not you agree with a variety of beliefs that other have submitted, or you could also submit your own custom beliefs, and people can comment, agree, disagree with what you said.

Its a pretty interesting concept, with the beliefs ranging from “Morality is not strictly religious- many atheists have very exacting moralities” to “Firefox is better than Internet Explorer” to “Ninja pirates are superior to everything.”

I think this site is perfect for days like today, when you’ve got nothing to do, and want to learn something / argue with someone / be heard / etc. Either way, check out the Standpoint, you might just like it. Happy Thanksgiving.

my writing

my website is a collection of my work and writing since 2004, so please don't be surprised if things seem a little outdated, particularly in the technology section. That said, the concepts behind most posts should be interesting given all that's happened since they were written so enjoy!