Rename Multiple Files

February 24th, 2007

Windows Explorer

In Windows, you can rename multiple files quickly (and much quicker than in OSX). In order to do this, follow these steps:

  • Highlight the files you want to rename. (Use Ctrl or Shift to highlight multiple files at once)
  • Right-Click the first file in the series, click Rename.
  • Only the file you’ve right clicked will be highlighted. That’s OK. Change the file name, the extension will be kept.
  • Hit the enter key to commit your change. Your files will be named “file (1).jpg”, “file (2).jpg”, etc..

This little trick comes courtesy of LifeHacker, and can be very convinient especially if you have a lot of files to work with. Try it out. And for all of you Mac users, you can do the same thing with Automator, though its a little more drawn out.

my writing

my website is a collection of my work and writing since 2004, so please don't be surprised if things seem a little outdated, particularly in the technology section. That said, the concepts behind most posts should be interesting given all that's happened since they were written so enjoy!