Time Capsule
With Time Capsule, I can simply connect a small USB hub to the Time Capsule (which is possible on an Airport Extreme so why not a Time Capsule), and then connect my printer and my MyBook to the USB port. But why would I need an external backup drive if I have the 1 terabyte inside my Time Capsule? That’s for either my bootable SuperDuper Backups (see my previous post on the subject), or for my media storage.
Its a known fact that the simpler you make a process, the more likely that people are going to take advantage of it. With Time Machine and now Time Capsule, backing up your Mac is not only easy, its seamless, AND wireless.
The Time Capsule is as representative of the Apple design philosophy as it gets: its simple, its beautiful, and its useful. Amazing.
iPhone/iPod Touch Updates
- Geolocation, or quasi-GPS, is a tool I use regularly, if only just to get traffic on the freeway I’m on (I use Navizon for this currently).
- Sending mass text messages is also a great and useful feature (I use SMSD for this currently).
- Reordering the icons is very helpful and can help get rid of clutter (I use Customize for this currently).
- Webclips are a quick and easy way to get to the website you browse most (I use iPhone Apper for this currently).
As you can see, I’ve got no reason to update my phone right now, especially because I’ll lose all of my games and favorite apps the minute I do. However, I would get rid of all of my games and apps for this new update if I could only keep MobileScrobbler. Ah well, the SDK in late February will solve all of these conflicts.
In terms of the update to the iPod Touch, I think that having Mail, Maps, and all of the other iPhone features on the Touch was a great idea. And for those that are saying that the $20 extra they have to pay for the update is unjustified, please remember that the iPod Touch falls under a different pricing subscription model than the iPhone or the Apple TV. You can recall that the added 802.11n functionality was updated in the newer MacBooks for an additional price too last Fall.
The beauty of these updates is this: although I’ve had only one phone in my lifetime that issued software updates (Samsung A900), and even they did it only once. These iPhone/iPod Touch updates continue to refine a phone/ipod that is already quite amazing in and of itself. Well done Apple.
iTunes Rentals
If you had asked me even a few days ago whether or not I thought iTunes movie rentals were a good idea, I would have said I’m not sure. However, after watching the keynote, I can honestly say that its a great and significant feature addition. To think of the many times that I have gone out to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video to rent a
movie I didn’t have – now I can simply do that from the comforts of my own room or living room (see below).
The one downside I see right now is the lack of a subscription model for rentals – why not add a simple 1,2,3, or unlimited rentals per month for some sort of fee. I’d pay it. It’d put Netflix and Blockbuster out of business and provide an amazing service. I have a funny feeling that this is coming, sooner rather than later.
And the fact that they have every single major movie studio on board for this service? That’s truly the key. Renting couldn’t be easier.
Apple TV (Take 2)
This is my second favorite announcement this year. The Apple TV has been an interesting bit of hardware since it was announced. Even Steve himself labeled it a “hobby.” However, that changed on Tuesday.
Now armed with iTunes, a new slick interface, independence from computers, AirTunes capability, and rentals/purchasing, the Apple TV has truly established itself in the living room. The impact of these new additions to the Apple TV can best be summarized with a simple example. How many times have you been sitting on your couch, wanting to watch a movie but too lazy to run out to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video? Now all you have to do is click Rent or Buy and its there for you, even in HD. That’s truly revolutionary.
Yes, yes, I know – you already have On Demand movies which can be watched or purchased or whatever. But this combines photos, music, movies, tv shows, and a world of other content all in one little box below your TV, in addition to having a much much larger selection of movies. Personally, I can’t wait to install this update (available in 2 weeks), and start using it!
MacBook Air
For a lot of people, the Macbook Air was the biggest announcement. Personally, I thought it was interesting, but not the most exciting by any means. Now I don’t want to take anything away from this new Apple notebook – it is truly a sight to see (although I have yet to see one in person). Of all of its features, I found the following quite interesting:
- Size and weight – 3 lbs and 3/4 of an inch at its thickest? Speaks for itself – unreal.
- Solid State Disk (SSD) option – this is a little taste of the future, right now. Its pricey to say the least ($1000 extra) and small (64gb, less than the stock 80gb), but that should come down as economies of scale begin to take their toll.
- Multitouch Gestures – this is going to be something quite useful, and its nice they implemented it on the MBA. My question is this – if I already have two finger scrolling on my Macbook Pro, how come a software update can’t add these same gestures to my notebook?
- Screen Size – I’m glad they didn’t compromise on this – especially with the full size keyboard – well done
- Lack of Ethernet port – this was interesting, both from a design and precedent perspective – I don’t know the last time I used my ethernet port so right on, nothing lost that’s gonna be missed.
- Lack of Optical Drive – I think this, along with Remote Disk, was a justified compromise for the size. I don’t think it poses a problem and definitely saves space. For those plane ride’s you’re gonna need Handbrake tho!
Overall, it should be interesting to see what part of the market the MacBook Air takes. Some people are saying that it will take away market share from the standard Macbooks, others are saying that this is exactly what was keeping people from switching to Mac entirely. Only time will tell.
My one concern is fragility. Right now, my Macbook Pro, weighing in at 5.4 lbs feels very solid to the touch, and I’m not afraid that it’ll break when I put it in my bag. I haven’t seen the MacBook Air in person, but that would definitely be my concern.
I’ll finish the MacBook Air section with this. My mac guru Jonathan (the guy pretty much responsible for my switching from PCs), when asked what he thinks about the MacBook Air, could only explain how they fit so many features and such power into such a small laptop by saying that once again, Apple was “doing their Black Magic.” Its true.
While this year’s keynote was going on, I was driving to work and getting almost live updates from MacRumors‘ Live website on my iPhone. They did a great job setting that site up (no refreshing needed and images to boot!) and I am very grateful to them for it.
I believe that this keynote was a great step in the right direction, and was every bit as fulfilling as I would have hoped. Sure, we got spoiled last year by the unbelievable iPhone announcement, but just remember, last year they basically had one big announcement, this year they had 4. Keep ’em comin Apple.