Curse of the Early Adopter

July 8th, 2006


Though the majority of my posts have to do with some type of software, technology, or, for lack of better words, interesting find, this post can probably be classified as a tech tip. Today I would like to heed a warning to all of those people that like to live on the bleeding edge of technology, or those that just like brand new shiny things.

New tech hardware that is released on a massive scale – whether it be computers, music players, entertainment systems, whatever – is bound to have problems, bugs, and glitches whose tried and tested counterpart just simply doesnt have. Let me offer a simple example.

I purchased my Macbook Pro 1.83Ghz on the day that they were released, and my Macbook arrived in America from China in the very first batch. As content as I am with my MacBook Pro – which is amazingly content – it has had 3 major problems, all of which have now been fixed (for monetarily free) in both mine, and all new MacBook Pros. I say monetarily because although all three repairs were completely free, two week were spent without my MacBook, which was quite a hassle (thank g-d for my mini). In fact, apparently, with my Macbook, I got relatively lucky.

My point is basically this: if you buy a new model, or pretty much any new technological innovation, you immediately assume not only the inherent risk that all technology brings with it, but also the fact that you probably will run into first revision problems that all can and will be smoothed out after some time.

For some people, this inherent risk is worth having the latest and greatest gadgets out there. However, for the majority of consumers, its exactly these bugs/problems/hassles that need to be avoided, and therefore, this information should be kept in mind.

As a side note, I was thinking of creating a website devoted to offering people advice as far as when a good time to buy a new computer (mostly Apple Macs) would be based on the large amounts of facts, information, and speculation in the computer (Mac) world. However, since I don’t foresee myself creating this type of site anytime soon, if any of you are considering purchasing a new Apple product, let me know because now might be a good time to wait just a bit for the newest version/model/revision which very well could be less problematic, buggy, and hassle-ful. 🙂

my writing

my website is a collection of my work and writing since 2004, so please don't be surprised if things seem a little outdated, particularly in the technology section. That said, the concepts behind most posts should be interesting given all that's happened since they were written so enjoy!