A New Approach

October 25th, 2006

So I realize that I haven’t posted in more than a month, which has led me to re-examine the structure of this blog. If you look at the length of the blog posts, they seem to be getting longer, which I feel has discouraged me from writing more regularly.

The site has also changed in its direction a bit – I started this blog to share with others my “interesting finds” on the internet. However, the old posts seem to be more tutorials (I’ll call them “Spotlights” from now on ) rather than a collection of cool things I’ve found around the web. I do think that these tutorials are important, and I do want to continue to blog them, though not as often as I have in the past.

Therefore, I’m going to start a new posting time-frame, trying to post at least (though not limited to) once a week, but with a little shorter length. Hopefully this system will work a little better and also provide you guys with more cool finds faster.

As far as the longer “Spotlights,” here are the ones that I plan on posting in the coming months: GreaseMonkey, The Microsoft Office PC to Mac Switch, Early Adopter’s Syndrome, and whatever else I can think of.

In the mean time, let me know what you think about my new approach, my “Spotlight” ideas (including any you’d like to see), or anything else you might want to share with me!

my writing

my website is a collection of my work and writing since 2004, so please don't be surprised if things seem a little outdated, particularly in the technology section. That said, the concepts behind most posts should be interesting given all that's happened since they were written so enjoy!